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the girl
The name is Rachel. I'm sixteen years too old and from that wonderful filthy state of New York. I'm a scorpio, a vegetarian, and an animal rights activist. I love animals. I'm a stubborn female of mostly Irish and German descent. People make me physically ill. Trying to get me to change my mind is a pointless effort. I will debate you until your too tired to debate. Unless your a complete moron. In which case, I won't waste my time talking to you. I don't say anything unless I have something to say. Think about it.


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007


contact me
AIM: GetHisScentOffMe
Myspace:Click Here

I am WHORE, holy, LOVED, lonely, killing all the others that I've been
Monday, November 26, 2007

New layout, I was bored with the Courtney Love, so here it is, made by me, Otep layout with lyrics from the song Perfectly Flawed. The lyrics are good. In case you can't read it, it says "I'm injecting my reflection cause I hate the way it judges me."

Things have been pretty dull lately I guess. Last night I went out with Sam, Brad, and Cory. We went down to the mall and I pushed Sam around in a shopping cart and then we picked up Udder and went to Sasafras Park which was freezing. I'm really mad that they're gonna tear that park down. Lots of nice memories there from being a kid.

I'm in school right now in Pfeiffer's room. Bored. Me and Zach went out for lunch today, that was fun. Got some fries at Burger King. Then we came back to this hell hole. School's out in like 15 minutes, thank god.

This week's boring. It's snowing outside. I'm sick of snow. Even though it hasn't really snowed much at all. I just hate it already. The only time there should be snow is on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day then it should really just go away.

The more I listen to the new Otep CD, the more I'm amazed. It really is amazing. The only track I didn't really like is "Perfectly Flawed" and that's just because the instrumentals are way too mainstream. I have a quiz tomorrow in Math and some homework for English and History. Oh well. Whatever.

I guess that's all I have to write. Nothing exciting to say and I don't like writing while in school. Peace niggs.

0 spoke out / Speak out

It's me versus me versus them
Friday, November 23, 2007

I've discovered that it is very hard to work up the motivation to write in here. Today is Black Friday. Happy Late Thanksgiving to you all. Hope you enjoyed eating dead corpses. Thanksgiving was pretty boring. We had everyone over to our house. Grandma, Grandpa, John, John.J, Carol, Jane, Aunt Moony, Uncle Chet, John's friend Hila, my mom, my dad, and me of course. We just sat around, ate, and talked.

So, today was black friday. I actually went out shopping with Zach and Katie. I only bought two shirts. They cost less then $20.00 altogether. I also got some pizza that I didn't finish. Sbarro's is so friggen expensive. It was $5.27 for a slice of pizza and a drink. That's so ridiculous. Whatever. Katie got some stuff and Zach got three video games and a couple movies.

Today was boring. Sat around and did nothing.
Short update I know, but whatever.

0 spoke out / Speak out

It's all about the he said she said bullshit.
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Things are slipping away lately. Faster and faster. It's as if I don't even have the time to realize what's going on. My brain isn't thinking straight. I have no idea who I am anymore or what I am. And honestly, I don't care.

The animal rights group I'm apart of (Beyond Human) did a presentation last night. I brought my rat Barbosa with me and did a little talk on rats. It was an okay turnout. About thirty people I'd say.

After that I went over to Chantal's and everyone was over there. And that got me thinking about crap. None of my friends are going anywheres with there lives. And that's pretty fuckin depressing. I don't even feel like getting into it right now. I'm just too tired. I'll try to write more tomorrow if I feel better but I doubt I will so whatever.

0 spoke out / Speak out