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the girl
The name is Rachel. I'm sixteen years too old and from that wonderful filthy state of New York. I'm a scorpio, a vegetarian, and an animal rights activist. I love animals. I'm a stubborn female of mostly Irish and German descent. People make me physically ill. Trying to get me to change my mind is a pointless effort. I will debate you until your too tired to debate. Unless your a complete moron. In which case, I won't waste my time talking to you. I don't say anything unless I have something to say. Think about it.


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007


contact me
AIM: GetHisScentOffMe
Myspace:Click Here

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm not going to update on here really anymore I don't think. I've pretty much moved over to livejournal, so check me there:
Add me.

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Useless Ramblings
Monday, December 3, 2007

Blood on my tongue.
Blood on my chewing gum
Your beautiful when your numb.
The computer types for itself
Like some kind of demon posessing me.
Prose and poetry.
Killing livestock, fish, and poultry
As if we were some sort of primative beings.

I did something last night
I did something that wasn't right
I watched it run like a river
Run like the semen in your jeans
Run like a convict escaping from San Quentin
Run like ME

I saw god once and he told me he couldn't let me in
I saw god once and I told him he was some sort of bitch
god saw me once and he said i was a disgrace
well i told god he made me, I wasn't the only fuck up in this human race

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